When it comes to choosing the perfect pet, cats are the go-to choice for millions of households. They are very amusing and can protect the house from small pests as well. It isn’t just rodents, cats can keep other pest animals away.

Don’t let your cats play with drape cords. If your cat plays with looped drape cords, they could get caught around its neck, which presents a suffocation hazard. This is an extreme choking hazard and should be prevented at all costs. To stop this from happening, pin your drapes and hide them out of sight.

Your home likely has no small spaces a curious cat won’t want to investigate. There are ways to make sure that their collar does not get stuck. Breakaway collars are designed to release in these situations. That’ll keep kitty safe.

Regular visits to the vet will preserve your cat’s health. They should go in for a routine check-up at least once a year, possibly more if they need important shots. Make vet appointments immediately if your cat has a medical condition or has become injured.

It is not safe to use dog products for your feline friend. Cats have very strong, negative reactions to products formulated for dogs. This will especially be true if it’s a product for fleas. These dog flea products can even cause feline death. Your cat needs to be away from the dog after your dog has received a flea treatment.

Making sure your cat doesn’t jump on the counters is hard to do. Cats like heights and like to see everything happening around them. One way to deal with this issue could be to devote certain high spaces for your feline friend to sit in. Your cat will not go on your counters if there’s a cat tower close to the kitchen.

Try to avoid your cat from becoming bored each day. Play is important to the health and vitality of your cat. Unfortunately there are too many cat owners who don’t properly exercise their cats. Cats that are bored may develop obsessive compulsive disorders, depression, or other issues that can harm their health. Spend time playing with them, and go through a variety of toys to find ones they like and will play with while you’re busy, too. You need to provide your cats with something they can climb and scratch.

Cats can spend hours keeping themselves and their fur clean. Hairballs are very common for long-haired cats. Buy special food in order to help that problem. Certain kinds of cat food are made to decrease hairballs. As a result, you and your cat will be happier.

Put your cat’s food on a tablecloth. It’s a common practice for cats to eat their food on the side of their bowl. This can result in you having to clean up food outside its bowl if you don’t use a tablecloth. Think about putting a placemat underneath the bowl or make your own tablecloth out of fabric.

Are you a cat and dog owner? Dogs will eat a cat’s food any time they’re given the chance. Because of this, you should make the place that your cat food is in higher up so that the dog cannot reach it. This will ensure they don’t fight over food or water, too.

Seek the advice of others if you have a cat that’s giving you problems. It is possible to work out the problem yourself, but help from others can be invaluable. There are online cat forums that allow you to ask questions as well.

There is no need to spend hours trying to litter train your cat. This should come naturally for your cat. You cannot teach it to do this. A lot of people think that rubbing a cat’s paws in its litter box may help them, but in reality, it can be damaging to them.

You should brush your cat very regularly. This will help stimulate blood flow. It also loosens hair that is about ready to fall out. This can keep hairballs at bay because this can choke up a cat and also build up in its stomach.

To help avoid a finicky cat, feed your cat different brands of cat food. If you feed them the same thing day in and day out, it will be the only thing that they are able to eat later on down the road.

Haired Cats

Prior to adopting any long-haired cat, make sure you understand the extra work involved. While long haired cats are soft and look great, understand that there will be a lot more fur around the rest of the house. Unless you have time to dedicate to cleaning up their fur, don’t get long haired cats. Long-haired cats are also more prone to hairballs.

If your cat’s about to have kittens, create a spacious area in which she can do so. You need to be patient, as it will be three or four hours before all the kittens have been born. If the time has surpassed six hours and your cat is not finished, take a trip to your vet.

There are certain human foods that you should never feed to cats. Garlic and onions are popular examples. If your cat eats these things then it can become ill or even die. Even a commonly fed food, milk, can make your kitty ill.

While cats lack the ferocity and imposing mass of dogs, they’re still capable hunters and loyal defenders of your home. A cat is an excellent hunter and almost always makes the kill, sometimes much easier than the dog. These skills are one of the many reason cats make such wonderful pets.
