T.S. Eliot, the famed poet, once likened cats to creatures that a household depends on, the there is some truth behind his words. T.S. Eliot stated cats make a home and there is evidence that this opinion is well-deserved. A cat that is healthy and well mannered can be a great addition to any home. Sadly, it’s not always easy to co-exist with felines. Below, you’ll find suggestions that will help you and your cat live together in peace.
Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. Cords should be covered, especially if your cat tends to chew on them. If you have any loose cords around your home, try stuffing them into a used paper towel roll. The cords on electronics should be hidden as well.
You can also consider outfitting your cat with a chip so you can monitor its whereabouts. Even an indoor cat could someday jump through an open window. While a collar with a tag is useful, remember that your cat may be able to escape from the collar while they are away. Collars can also harm your cat if they get caught. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and can hold all of your contact information. Every shelter and most veterinarian offices have microchip scanners that can read the chips, and best of all, they chips can’t be lost.
Male felines tend to get crystals in the urine that can be prevented with proper diet. It is painful for your cat to pass these crystals and the cost to have this treated by a vet is high. Food with a low magnesium content will help. Just as in the grocery store, take the time to read the labels. You will notice that fish-based foods and products are higher in levels of magnesium than anything sourced from poultry.
Put your cat’s food on a tablecloth. It’s a common practice for cats to eat their food on the side of their bowl. This means food spillage that you will have to clean later. Place a piece of fabric or a place-mat under your cat’s bowl and then simply shake it over a garbage can for quick and easy clean up.
If you get a cat for your kids, make sure to set clear boundaries in advance. Make sure your kids know where the cat can be. They should know that indoor cats can’t go outside. By getting these rules into place before having a cat, you’ll be sure that your children can understand.
Feed your cat high-quality cat food. Check out the ingredients, and make sure it includes protein, such as meat, as the first item in the list. The foods to avoid are those with a large amount of corn and low amounts of protein. Cats are carnivores, so if you want them to be as healthy as possible, you need to be sure they’re eating enough animal protein.
Consider getting your cat a fountain to drink from. A cat will always drink from running water if possible. Cats seem to like a water stream better. Cats will often drink from a running sink and actually prefer it over the water in their bowl. Installing a drinking fountain for your cat is a more eco-friendly way to provide it with some running water.
Litter Box
Be mindful of where you place the litter box. It might be tempting to have it in a hidden area where you can’t see it or smell it. The litter box needs to be placed in a spot that your cat can reach very easily. Felines can be finicky. This means you must give them the right location and make sure it is inviting. If you have the box on a floor that is cold cement for example, put a rug or mat under it.
Your feline friend should always wear a collar and tags with your name and contact information. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, there is that small chance he or she might get out one day. They have to be able to get home again.
There are certain human foods that you should never feed to cats. Onions, garlic, grapes and green tomatoes are among these foods. These items can make your cat very ill. Too much milk can also be a bad thing for a grown cat.
Never use chemicals that have phenol in it near your cat. Lysol, for example, has many harmful agents that can harm your cat. The smell of the chemical isn’t pleasant for your cat and prolonged exposure may cause liver problems.
Outdoor Cat
Don’t have an outdoor cat declawed. An outdoor cat who has been declawed cannot defend itself as well without claws; therefore, you are putting your cat in extreme danger. An indoor cat can be declawed. However, you should still only remove the cat’s front claws. Keep the back claws intact, since they can’t do damage to your furnishings and flooring.
Don’t give your cat medicine intended for humans. If your cat is ill, you need to take him to the vet to get proper treatment. When you make the mistake of giving any type of human medication to your cat, it can kill them or cause them some other type of grave medical misfortune.
Caring for a cat can be a lot of work, but it’s absolutely worth it. No matter what type of cat you have, these tips will assist you in a more positive experience with your pet. If you have a happy cat, you will probably be happy too!