It’s not always easy to keep a cat happy. They are often mysterious from the moment they enter your home. You need a little knowledge to understand them better. Here are a few helpful tips to teach you how to care for your cat.
Put a heated tile beneath the bed of an older cat. Use a terra cotta tile to help relieve your cat’s aches and pains; put it in the oven on low heat – 200 degrees or so – for 15 minutes. Put it inside a cloth and place underneath your feline’s blanket or bed. Change every few hours if you like.
Regular visits to the vet will preserve your cat’s health. They need a routine check-up every year, maybe more of important shots are necessary. If your cat is having a health issue or injury, they need to be seen by their vet right away.
Don’t use dog portions for your cat. Some can be quite dangerous, and even deadly, when used on a cat. Be very careful with the flea products you use. Some products designed for dogs could be harmful to your cat. If you own a dog, and they’ve been given a flea treatment, you should separate them from your cat for a few hours.
Put bitter apple on all electrical cords. You can also cover your cords under a rug or tape them to walls. If you have any loose cords around your home, try stuffing them into a used paper towel roll. Put your electronics away so your cat is not tempted to chew on the cords.
Keeping cats from a counter really can be tough. Cats like heights and like to see everything happening around them. You can remedy this by creating some place up high that you can can enjoy hanging out in. For example, give them a cat tower nearby.
Think about putting a microchip in your pet. Even indoor cats may get out of your home at some point. A collar and identification tags can help bring your pet back to you. But experts point out that collars that do not snap apart quickly if your cat gets it caught on a branch or even a bush can accidentally strangle your cat. A microchip, on the other hand, is inserted near your cat’s shoulder blades, takes only a second to do, and all of your current contact info can be read through the chip. The chip will never be lost because it is under the skin and it can easily be read by any shelter or vet.
Pick the right location for your cat’s litter box. Don’t put it in a busy area, and keep it away from your cat’s food. Also, minimize the smell by making sure it is a well ventilated area. Both you and your pet will appreciate that.
When purchasing a tiny kitty as gift for the kids, it’s best to establish boundaries well ahead of the arrival. Tell your kids which rooms the cat is allowed in. If the cat is to be indoors, tell your children not to allow him outside. Setting the rules in advance will ensure your children understand.
Do your best to determine why your cat is meowing. The more time you spend with your cat, the better you’ll understand what its meows mean. Maybe she wants to go out, or maybe she wants to eat. By giving her the proper amount of attention you can better attend to her needs.
Always watch a kitten around small kids. Children under 5 years of age should not be alone with the pet. They aren’t mature enough in order to handle the potential dangers of a kitten. As they age, you can determine how much interaction they should have with the animal.
Use canned food for your cat. Dry food is cheaper, but some wet foods have more benefits. Canned food generally provides more nutrients, protein and fat as well as liquids. Aging cats find it makes it much easier to chew. Ask your vet for more info, bun in general, canned food is much better for a number of reasons.
It may be time to take your cat to see the vet if it begins urinating more frequently and in places besides its litter box. This sort of behavior is common among cats with UTIs and other health problems. Often this problem is quickly and inexpensively cured with a common antibiotic.
When your cat is close to giving birth, provide a spacious area for her. Delivery can take between three and four hours. If the birth takes an excessively long time or you believe a kitten is stuck inside, an immediate visit to the veterinary hospital is essential.
Give the cat a collar with your contact information. An indoor cat should also have a tag with this information because he or she can sometimes escape. If that happens, you want to be sure that there is a way for them to make it back home.
If you can, keep your cat inside and close to you. Cats that stay indoors tend to live a lot longer because they’re not exposed to the elements outside of the home. If you want to give your indoor cat some outdoor time, exercise with them. That way, your cat gets some fresh air, sunshine and outdoor scenery without the risks of free-roamers.
Don’t ever let your declawed cat outdoors. The cat won’t be able to fight back if other animals attack it and that could get it hurt or killed. Only indoor cats should be declawed. If you do choose to have your cat declawed, only the front claws should be removed. Don’t have the back claws removed, since cats don’t use them to scratch up your house.
This article’s tips will assist you in caring for your cat, even if you’re unable to make it happy. Use the tips in this article to ensure that your cat is being well cared for. If you do, you might see a positive change in your cat’s behavior. Possibly!