What Qualities to Look For In a Dog Which Stays Home

Contrary to what many people believe there are a lot of dog breeds which you can get which will be more or less happy on their own at home. This is never the favorite lifestyle choice of a dog however, but the likes of basset hounds and greyhounds are perfect examples of dogs which can be in their own company for long periods of time.

This is the ideal dog type for those who are out of the house a lot with their work, and this is what we are going to focus on today. Whether you are a truck accident lawyer, a shift worker with long commutes or someone with two jobs, here are the characteristics to look for in a dog.

Maintains Healthy Weight

You will of course have to ensure that you are doing all you can with your dog on your days off and when you get home from work, with regards to keeping them fit and healthy. What you can also do is look for dog breeds which generally maintain a healthy weight. This is why a pug for example if a great option. Not only do pugs enjoy their own company, they are also very good at staying at a certain weight, and won’t blow up after a few days at home alone.


A dog which is comfortable in its own surroundings is one which will cause you very few problems when they are left alone for a long time. This is exactly what you want from a dog because nobody wants to come home to a house which has been ruined by a curious and anxious dog. Here we see the likes of a golden retriever as the perfect example of a dog which is comfortable in its own environment, and which feels safe at home alone.


There are some dog breeds out there which are never relaxed, never calm and which are always looking for the next thing to do. These breeds are delightful of course, but they are no good for being left at home for a long time on their own. What you want from a dog breed is one which is calm and which is not going to be running around the home looking for activities all the time.


Many dogs will bark repeatedly when they are anxious and concerned, and this can really be a problem if you have a dog which is going to be left at home for much of the day. Not only is it not a very nice thing for the dog, it is also something which is going to annoy your neighbors pretty quickly. A little bit of barking isn’t out of the way, but incessant barking is not good for anyone.

These are just some of the characteristics which you should be looking for if you are going to have to leave your dog at home for many hours each day whilst you work.